From Poverty to Power
This is a conversation podcast by Duncan Green, strategic adviser for Oxfam GB, author of ‘How Change Happens’ and Professor in Practice at the London School of Economics. This personal reflection is not intended as a comprehensive statement of the agreed policies of either Oxfam or the LSE. https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/
From Poverty to Power
Development Nutshell: round-up (30m) of FP2P posts, w/b 15th and 22nd May
From Poverty to Power
Where thinking and working politically meets gender: tactics that have worked
Podcast + transcript: did we get it wrong on land grabs in Africa? In Conversation with Laura German
How do we Start Thinking About AI and Development? (one post by me, one by ChatGPT!)
What does politically smart support to democracy and human rights look like?
Can humanitarian experience guide the development of new loss and damage funding?