From Poverty to Power
This is a conversation podcast by Duncan Green, strategic adviser for Oxfam GB, author of ‘How Change Happens’ and Professor in Practice at the London School of Economics. This personal reflection is not intended as a comprehensive statement of the agreed policies of either Oxfam or the LSE. https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/
236 episodes
The last Development Nutshell! 26 minutes of reflection on my 20 years at Oxfam, which are coming to an end next week.
Yep, this is it. Walking the plank as of next Tuesday, so here are some parting reflections I've been putting up on the blog over the last few days, and links to a bunch of more normal FP2P fare, which I've had to leave out due to lack of time....

Development Nutshell, (30m). Audio roundup of February blogs on From Poverty to Power
GELI Stories: - Building Coalitions between UN Agencies and Government Ministries in Eswatini- Working in closed and informal political spaces like Eritr...

Development Nutshell, bumper edition (28m). Audio roundup of January/February blogs on From Poverty to Power
How Blogs can Change Government PolicySix big humani...

Claire Melamed on Data, Power and Sustainable Development
I sat down a few months ago to discuss data and development with Clare Melamed, who runs the Global Partnership for Sustainable De...

Development Nutshell, (19m). Audio roundup of last few posts on From Poverty to Power, November and December
Links I LikedUN Women makes Norm Change central to its mission

Development Nutshell, (20m). Audio roundup of blogs on From Poverty to Power, w/b 13th and 20th November
Links I LikedVoices of Gaza

Development Nutshell, bumper edition (30m). Audio roundup of October/November blogs so far on From Poverty to Power
Why did the Street Movements of the 2010s fail?

Development Nutshell (22m). Audio roundup of From Poverty to Power posts wb 9th and 16th October
Links I LikedWhich book should I review next? You decide please!

Development Nutshell podcast . 27m roundup of posts for w/b 25th September and 2nd October
Links I Liked

Development Nutshell podcast. 22m roundup of posts for w/b 11th and 18th September
Links I LikedBook Review: Power and Progr...

Development Nutshell podcast. 24m roundup of posts for w/b 28th August and 4th September
Links I Liked Who Decides What Constitutes ‘Knowledge’ on Climate Change?...

Development Nutshell (22m). Audio roundup of blogs for w/b 14th and 21st August on From Poverty to Power
Top Student Blogs and Vlogs from my LSE Activism course:

Development Nutshell (22m). Audio roundup of blogs on From Poverty to Power, w/b 7th August (dog interrupted)
Links I LikedDesigning 'Research for Impa...

Development Nutshell pod. 25m roundup of posts for w/b 31st July
Links I LikedHow did we get here? Great chro...

Development Nutshell podcast. 25m roundup of posts for w/b 24th July
Links I LikedSchool children are bearing the brun...

Development Nutshell podcast. 28m roundup of posts for w/b 10th and 17th July
Links I LikedThe methodology behind Oxfam’s latest killer fact on ...

Development Nutshell, bumper edition (34m). Audio roundup of June/July blogs on From Poverty to Power
Fixing the power imbalances of aid and development: A paradoxIs it right to

Development Nutshell: Audio summary (16m) of this week's posts, w/b 29th May
Links I LikedReforming the World Bank: some good ideas, but where's the power, politics and feasibility?How to get people to take the Care Economy seriously? Some top (evidence-based) tips

Development Nutshell: round-up (30m) of FP2P posts, w/b 15th and 22nd May
Where thinking and working politically meets gender: tactics that have workedPodcast + transcript: did we get it wrong on land grabs in Africa? In Conversation with Laura GermanHow do we Start Thinking About AI and Development? (one pos...

Land Governance in Africa: what the World Bank and others got wrong. In Conversation with Laura German
Want to know what happened to the whole issue of land governance, land grabs and women's land rights in Africa? Here's anthropology professor Laura German, author of 'Power/Knowledge/Land: Contested Ontologies of Land and its Governance in Afri...

Development Nutshell: round-up (30m) of FP2P posts, w/b 1st and 8th May
Seeing the forest beyond the trees: Coalition building in Indonesia and beyond and the lessons for donorsOlder and at the Sharp End: Why more Social Protection is needed to protect Older People in the global food, finance & fuel crisis&...

Development Nutshell: round-up (24m) of FP2P posts, w/b 24th April
Links I Liked Aid in 'Politically Estrang...

Development Nutshell: round-up (30m) of FP2P posts, w/b 17th April
Citizen action for accountability in challenging contexts: What have we learned? Venture Philanthropy and Asset Based Community-Driven Development – a marriage made in heaven? The Revenge of Power: A Great Book that will help ...